Kým sa hviezdy (či kalendáre kamošov) naklonia, alebo prečo sme založili Traildeer?

Although the top most reason why we jumped into this whole business was to finally get out of the office rat race after too many years spent behind the desk and at meetings, just to be able to afford riding after working hours (there’s time after work?) and on the holy weekends. But the key […]

Trip Report - Slnko, more a skvelé traily... Kočevje, Rabac & Grožnjan

Before departing on the trip I’ve expected all kinds of things, but this trip really significantly exceeded my expectations, even with a few not entirely pleasant surprises. On friday evening we’ve all met in Kočevje at Gostišče Tri Zvezdy, a restaurant and guesthouse in one, where we started the trip with a local beers from […]

Report: Trip to Bike Arena Natisone – Like Finale Ligure, but closer? Part 2/2

This is the second part of our Trip Report to Bike Arena Natisone, if you have not seen the first part you can check it out here. Continuing onwards with day 3 / Saturday where Paolo prepared a special program for us as the trails in some parts were already closed for maintenance and also […]

Report: Trip do Natisone Bike Arena - Ako Finále Ligure, len bližšie? Časť 1/2

On Sunday we’ve returned from what was already our second trip to the Italian & Slovenian borderlands within 3 weeks. Since this time our plans changed a little and the group was made up only of 5 riders we’ve decided to not take our van and trailer, and instead took up shuttling with the locals. […]

Pripravujeme Reštart

Hello there riders, we are restarting Traildeer as a dedicated bike travel agency and since we’re still finalizing the paperwork and bureaucracy around it our trips are not available to buy just yet. Therefore you will see Available soon in everything else besides the camps, which don’t fall under the travel agency business and can […]

Our Top 10 rides for this year

International travel is finally picking up as many countries open their borders to tourists in Europe (check out our previous Covid-related post to learn where you can go here). It seems this crazy “locked-up-at-home” era comes to a long-awaited end.   Therefore we’ve looked at the 100+ bike experiences in 10 countries that you can […]